Tuesday, June 10, 2008

12:55 PM

Driving on the "wrong side" of the road...

...and car.

WHEW!!! I just finished my FIRST-EVER UK driving lesson!!! My instructor's name is Lee and he said the lesson was a pleasure!! He said I'm doing very well and moving along quite fast! So fast that he took me out onto main roads today! i have another lesson w/ him tomorrow for 2 hours. (I did 2 hours today as well.)

I was really quite nervous about it considering that I've never driven a manual transmission before. It's funny, but I felt like I was learning how to drive all over again. There's so much stuff to think about and remember when driving a manual , , , not to mention the whole "other side of the road and car" thing! One would think that one would have no difficulty judging distances b/w the car one is driving and the curb (kerb in UK English) or another car from the other side of the cockpit but, lemme tell ya, IT'S FREAKIN' DIFFICULT!! I hit the curb a few times and Lee had to tell me to pull more towards the center of the road more than once. PLUS the roads here are SO NARROW!!! It's amazing to think that double decker buses go down them and sometimes 2 abreast!! SHEESH!!

Anyway, I did fine. I take my theory test on the 26th of this month so wish me luck! That's really the easy part. It's mostly just common sense stuff w/ the odd "How many different types of pedestrian crossings are there and how do they differ" type question. (Incidentally, there are a few: Zebra, Pelican, Puffin, Toucan and Pegasus. Zebra is not light controlled and has zebra striped poles and ground markings. Pelican is Pedstrian Light Controlled -- ped pushes button and waits to cross. Puffin is Pedestrian User Friendly Intelligent which automatically senses pedestrians and controls lights for them. Toucan is Two Can Cross meaning both pedestrians and bicyclists. Pegasus is for pedestrians and horse-mounted riders and is just like Pelican only w/ one button at human height and one at mounted rider height. MORE THAN YOU WANTED TO KNOW, I'm sure!!)

Anyway, I'll keep y'all posted as to how things are going. And NO, I'm not working yet. I'm not looking for a job yet either. I've still got stuff to do around the house and preparation-wise before I do any of that.

Later, PEEPS!!