Monday, September 8, 2008

12:46 PM

The British Museum...

A couple of days before Hannah's 10th birthday we took a trip to London to visit the British Museum. This place is PHENOMENAL!! Not only is it HUGE and GORGEOUS inside, but I've never seen a PERMANENT collection like this one in my life! This place had far more on display from its collection than any exhibition display I've come across! The Egyptian collection was just one of the many fascinating collections they had! They have an entire room (more like a HALL) devoted to nothing but MUMMIES!! They even have several REAL ones on display in various states of unwrap! I took these pics w/ my iPhone so the quality is not the best but pretty good for a phone. (Don't forget you can click to enlarge the pics!)

^^Front and back of Ramses the Great statue.^^

^^One of the MANY stairwells in the labyrinth that is the British Museum!^^ It is very easy to get lost in this place!


^^Inside one of the outer containers of a sarcophagus.I think it's made of granite.^^

^^Mummy still wrapped and complete w/ its head mask and amulets.^^

^^Inside of another outer container of a sarcophagus. This one's made of wood.^^

^^Mummy unwrapped! Just the feet, though. I have the rest of it somewhere.^^

^^I think this is a mummified bird or something.^^

^^Inside wooden outer container of a sarcophagus.^^

Equally as impressive a collection were the Grecian urns and artifacts! Having studied art history I feel makes me appreciate so much more the sheer genius behind some of these pieces, especially the way they were made!! Just look at the details of these blue glass pieces...

^^BIIIIIIIIIGG horse statue!^^

And OF COURSE the British Museum has the FAMED Elgin Marbles!! They are so beautiful in person! The detail is astonishing and the gallery they are homed in was seemingly built for them. The lighting does them justice!

K, on to the next blog entry...

12:22 PM

Hair Cut... NO! NOT MINE, silly!

So, as you may have noticed I have not been very good w/ my blog as of late. I've had a VERY BUSY coupla months!!! SO . . . I will begin as far back as I can!

I gave Roy a haircut (sometime around July 21st)!! I think it turned out pretty well! I downloaded "How to Cut Your Boyfriend's Hair" from WikiHow and got to cuttin'!




^^You can tell I started w/ this side b/c of the sharp edge on the side! I finally figured out what I was doing before I started the other side.

^^THIS side looks FABOO as does the back!! (IMHO anyway!)

Thorid, whaddya think? (Thorid's my resident Hair Guru!) I think I did a pretty good job overall (except for the 2-hour part)!!

K, on to the next blog entry!