Saturday, July 19, 2008

8:56 AM


YEA!! I can finally hang up my clothes after 7 months of living outta boxes!! Our wardrobe (closet, ours is a walk-in) was installed a couple weeks ago. It went well. Here are some BEFORE pics to give you an idea of what it looked like w/ our boxes everywhere (don't forget you can click on the image to enlarge it):

As you can see, it was a mess and a pain to deal w/. We worked with an interior designer named Lee who I just LOVED!! He was so cool and very personable. He and I could hang out and have a good ol' time! He's your typical interior designer, waif thin, GREAT taste, opinionated (although not annoyingly so; just enough to get your attention and for you to say, "Hey, maybe it's NOT such a good idea to put orange shag carpet in a Victorian house!"), wears make-up (foundation anyway) and has a boyfriend bigger than he is!! LOVE HIM!!! (I need to call him and see how he's doing.)

Anyway, we have bamboo floors in the top two rooms of the house and we wanted the wood we chose for the wardrobe to be similar in color so we chose Cherry (as they didn't have Bamboo). Lee didn't like that and suggested we go w/ white b/c of the color of our walls which at the time were this nasty close-to-white puke-green/grey color. We didn't really notice how nasty a color it was until we put the white wood sample next to it. We thought that'd be too cold so we decided to paint the walls a different color and go with Birch. It looks very warm and inviting and is nowhere near as dark as the cherry would've been. It looks really good. Here are some AFTER pics:

Yeah, our ceilings on the first floor (2nd floor in US English) have this shape to them to accommodate the room upstairs (Hannah's). The 1st floor ceilings had to be dropped for there to be enough room to walk on the 2nd floor:

So, as you can imagine, all that space was filled post haste and now I have almost no excuses to start getting rid of things. I've already gotten rid of a bunch of T-shirts!! I KNOW, I KNOW!!! None of you thought I'd EVER part w/ a single solitary t-shirt of mine but it has happened!! I suggest y'all start making peace w/ your peeps and telling everyone ya love 'em cuz the end of the world is NIGH!!!! Jodi's gettin' rid of some T-shirts!!! I didn't realize how many freakin' T-shirts I had! Once I folded them all and put them in drawers I had filled 5 drawers, each at least 6 x 3 t-shirts. that's too many. Now I only have ONE drawer and it's stuffed! It's something like 7 shirts deep! (Plus I have another 3 or 4 shirts I couldn't fit in that drawer in another drawer.) OH!! That's NOT counting the 10 or 12 I have hanging up in the closet! I'm a t-shirt whore, I s'pose! BUT, some of the ones I kept are the wHOLY ones I've had for years and years and years and years and... HA!! I bet you thought I got rid of those! No such luck, mon frère! I CANNOT part w/ my beloved Animaniacs or my UNT RAC shirts or any of the ones I've designed over the years. NO WAY!

So, as you can see, I'm quite happy w/ my new little space for my clothes to call home! I'll be writing more very soon as I have a lot of catchin'-y'all-up to do.

Love to you all!!